Thursday, November 18, 2010

6th reflection

hm.... this week we were given a thick task.

1) module 1

2) task from the module

it was thick and should be done within two weeks???!!!! this module was to be compiled with the other four module by the end of the semester.

Looking at the thickness of the module makes me think of why we need to complete all the tutorials in the module. But then, I realized that this module helps us to upgrade our technology skills. It shows us the step by step procedures and it is really helpful for us as many new things I can learn from the module.

Hard-Time consuming-Confusing-Tiring: are all the things that happened to me in completing the module. All in all, exploring and equipping with basic technology is a basic skill that need to be acquired as a 21st century teachers.

that's all for now..

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